The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets

It's 2024 and so far for many people (including me), it's been a vast spiritual awakening. I took some time off and recharged my batteries and decided I'm going to do things a bit differently on this blog.

I'm pretty fed up with schooling people on the numbskull basics of how to begin dating online, quit dating, fucking and being low life losers, scumbags and assholes. Running amok with and representing this kind of shit isn't going to attract decent men and if you're willfully ignorant of this fact and you're upwards of 25, I'm certain I can no longer help you. There's really no hope for people who champion this erosive mentality and they're not going to take the time out to read this blog anyway. I spent 2023 expounding on what to do about hags and douches and in 2024, the answer should be as plain as a stark red African baboon's butt. No more of that repressive horse- you can find enough of that in my archives.


From here on out, I'm going to approach relationships bass ackwards because my views are evolutionary and unconventional. This is evinced in my last post "A Female Player's Perspective: The Preemptive Strike".

The "preemptive strike” is just one of an of endless number of magic wands that should be in every woman's repertoire. It's meant to err on the extreme by putting the carriage in front of the horse- by knowing what you have already in your possession and ensuring that it's always fully stocked, replenished and ready for use. It works to the very hilt against the precarious "find someone to date, see what happens and hope for the best” method that's commonly used by many people.

I'm well past the point that I feel like I have toil and trod the surface of this blessed good earth the rest of my life looking for love when it's mine for the taking- that's how marriage found me 11 years ago and that is what has kept it going strong all these years.

Notice I said "marriage found me”? That's right, I didn't go out looking for it. It was mine to be had when I finally realized I've always deserved it.

Don't get me wrong- not everyone's plans evolve around marriage and having children, but these concepts can easily apply to any woman who wants to make her indelible mark and be a great influence in a man's life.

This sort of thing can be said of the men from my past who are still dear friends to me who don't want to cut me out of their lives completely even though I found "The One” and got married and moved on. They are happy for me and offer me nothing but the utmost respect, best wishes and hopes for a great future- men who truly love you do that. They still need you in their lives in even the minutest way and once you tug at their heart strings, they're in it forever. That's what makes a woman unforgettable.

I don't believe in bad luck or tragic destinies that revolve around damaging self-views that we can never find love when we always have it- if we truly want it and take possession of it, alone or not. It doesn't matter who's on the other side of the equation.

The right person always finds us if we're always something worth looking for.

Any Good Man Should Be Eager to Love You

Not all men are created equal in terms of quality and there are some men you should absolutely, positively never spend any of your time with. Some words to live by- he should never be more trouble than it's worth. A good man doesn't make trouble, he makes things right.

You should possess all the qualities that attract decent and respectable men. If you have all the things good men desire, the bad ones are almost guaranteed to never see it or want it. For instance, when I was single I was attracting men who treated me like a pile because that's what I believed I deserved therefore, so did they. Good men don't seek women out to treat them like shit- bad ones, on the other hand do, and it works in a perpetual, cyclical motion. Your self-fulfilling prophecy should then be to believe you deserve to be treated right and the right people will treat you the way you deserve.

Knowing it is showing it- you show it by being the woman who knows she's always got plenty to show for it. Not many women have that in their mindset, let along their repertoire.

Good men never forget women who hold their head up high because they may very well be one of the few they will never have to look down upon.

Not Relying on Validation

A little independence doesn't hurt here and there - ask any good guy and he'll tell you the same. Men appreciate independence of thought, independence from insecurity and neediness, and independence from seeking validation- particularly from him. If you've never done it before, try calmly (calm being the key word here) telling a man you don't give a shit what he thinks about something about you he doesn't necessarily agree with (i.e. political views, that slightly revealing blouse, the way you squeeze the tube of toothpaste from the middle, etc.) and see how he reacts.

When I do this, there is a "law” set in place that affirms that I am who I am, take me or leave me- my convictions, my values, all the freedom I require to make my own personal choices, take it or leave it all. He'll never forget it once you let it be known.

The right kind of man will respect that and will have no problem in the world with it. Period. He may even be a bit confused yet taken in by it. Some women will do anything they think a man wants- little do they know, they just want her to be her own woman.

Own Your Personification

Are you your own person? Are you comfortable enough that you can be yourself without feeling scared or worried that people might reject you? One thing that always makes a woman unforgettable is how proud she is of being herself- whoever that woman may be and granted it's actually something she can be proud of.

Don't be perturbed in bringing forth your own personification- you own this person 100% aside from all the other things that people may label you (i.e. wife, mother, writer, oceanographer, pianist, gym rat, etc.).

Who is the person you personify and what makes you that person personified? Are you compassionate and charitable above being overbearing or too accommodating? Are you sensitive and receptive to the impact you're making in people's lives? Are you driven towards good people because they are the people you want to surround yourself with?

These are your intrinsic qualities that people (men included) are going to remember most about you, not what you did for a living, how well you did in college or how many cars you had in your garage. What people remember about you comprises whether or not you touched their lives in some significant way. We accomplish this through our personification and to whom we choose to share it.

The kind of woman a man never forgets is about the person inside, the one he sees shining above all others. You can only do that by rising to the occasion. If you are fearless in showing that person, he will fear not remembering her but fear not recognizing her sooner and losing her forever.

The kind of woman a man never forgets is the kind of woman who never forgets how important it is to be the woman she is meant to be.

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